Monday, November 14, 2011

"How is married life?"

As a newlywed, the number one question people tend to ask is " How is married life?" and with assumption many expect answers such as' "Wonderful," "Great," and " I am loving it." and by default I tend to say those expected answers. It is almost like when people ask, " How are you" not really expecting a true how are you response but that simple I am good response.....So the surprises on some faces when I do decide to detour away from the usual "Great" response and respond with "It's alright," it sure does make a conversation starter. The next question or response, to my response, is usually  "just alright" as if I am not allowed to say just alright, and not have any problems with my newly wedded husband.
     I guess many first impressions with "it's alright" can be taken many different ways, but in my case for problems doesn't mean I regret marrying my husband, as I love him whole-heartedly, but meaning as husband and wife we are faced with many new obstacles of Religion, Family, Money, and other things such as house hunting. Now all these subjects were discussed before marriage and many agreed upon but it wasn't until things are actually put into place that the realization of hurdles that have been put in our way that we need to overcome. These hurdles sometimes are minor, and some major....and some are even unknown....and a lot of it takes the time and patience and communication with one another, and in which can sometimes be a hurdle in itself.