Hopes for the Baby Bump


Babies, Babies, Babies..everywhere I see Babies!! For a few years now the thought of having a baby was always a happy thought, but not really a deep thought...it was more awww one day I will have one of these. But now that my husband and I have agreed to start trying to concieve it has become the ISSUE...Now you may think if its such an issue then why are we trying to conceive...well its not the issue of wanting a child, but more merely of conceiving the child. My GYN doc recently diagnosed me with PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome). Of course my instant thought of being diagnosed with PCOS is denial! I was not shown the proof that I had this condition...I might have some symptoms but not ALL of them...so I could not have such a thing! I mean all my lab work came back fine...so how could a condition like PCOS even be diagnosed without having an abnormal lab work in my hormones, or my insulin ratio..it just didn't make sense! My only thought was I am not having a period just make my period come back and I will be fine!! That was my magic answer to it all!!
Now you all are probably thinking your a nurse, you should know that not all conditions are diagnosed by black and white..that some just simply have gray areas! And you are right, so when my doctor asks " How bad do you want to get pregnant?" to this question he wanted know if I was willing to start out at the basics of trying to get my good ol monthly friend regular or just go right in to the infertility medications such as clomid, and even into more depth of infertility treatments. It took a second to think about the answer and it was decided that to start out in the basics and try fixing it ourselves with a little help from the medication Metformin to help regulate my monthly cycle....so this month is my first month on Metformin and well also with the help of prevera to help induce my period my husband and I are anxiously awaiting for my dear friend to arrive on its own next month....our toes and fingers are crossed.....