Communication or Lack there of?

Communication is a fundamental key in a relationship, and definitely in a marriage. Communication is not just what you say but your body language, your facial expressions, and merely the absence of it all. I will have to admit it has only been 9 months since my husband and I joined hands and became one in one another....but with this definitely has taken some work on both of our ends and is still a work in progress. My husband says that the world of communication has all came down to technology, and that sometimes the lack of communication is due to texting,facebook. messenger....and what actually happen to the face to face talking...the picking up the phone and calling....I know I am definietly guilty of the I rather text then call..

Anyways these past couple months Fritz and I have joined together to work harder on our communication together to not only help improve our togetherness but definitely helps avoid those little arguments over something that you would not even remember the next day....and although we forget and fall back into our old habits, we still keep pushing through!!!

The first thing we make sure we don't leave the house without saying "bye," and "I love you."

The second thing is when getting home from work or wherever we were that day we say "Hi" and talk about the day.

The third thing we discuss what we want to do that day so everyone is on the same page.

The fourth thing we explain our feelings and why we feel that way so that the other can understand.

There are more things we do..and I hope that the next posts that I post here will be more in depth ideas of what we try to do as a couple!!